Preschool and Kindergarten
Christ Place Weekday Preschool and Kindergarten has been investing in the next generation for over 21 years.
We partner with our parents by helping them establish a biblical foundation in their child. Our prayer is that we will be able to plant the seed that one day will help with their personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Required Age: 18 Months by 09/01/2025
Time: 9:00a – 12:30p
Two Day Class: Tuesday & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $230.00
Time: 9:00a – 12:30p
Two Day Class: Tuesday & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $230.00
Required Age: 2 Years Old by 09/01/2025
Time: 9:00a – 12:30p
Three Day Class: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $250.00
Time: 9:00a – 12:30p
Three Day Class: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $250.00
Required Age: 3 Years Old by 09/01/2025
Time: 9:00a – 1:00p
Three Day Class: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $270.00
Four Day Class: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $290.00
Please note: All children entering the three-year old program must be potty trained prior to the first day of school.
Time: 9:00a – 1:00p
Three Day Class: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $270.00
Four Day Class: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $290.00
Please note: All children entering the three-year old program must be potty trained prior to the first day of school.
Required Age: 4 Years Old by 09/01/2025
Time: 9:00a – 1:00p
Four Day Class: Monday – Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $310.00
Five Day Class: Monday – Friday
Monthly Tuition: $340.00
Time: 9:00a – 1:00p
Four Day Class: Monday – Thursday
Monthly Tuition: $310.00
Five Day Class: Monday – Friday
Monthly Tuition: $340.00
Required Age: 5 Years Old by 09/01/2025
Time: 8:00a – 1:00p
Five Day Class: Monday – Friday
Monthly Tuition: $400.00
Time: 8:00a – 1:00p
Five Day Class: Monday – Friday
Monthly Tuition: $400.00
Non-Refundable registration fee of $200 for the first child and $150 for each
additional child. This fee secures your spot in our program, this does not
count as first month’s tuition.
additional child. This fee secures your spot in our program, this does not
count as first month’s tuition.
Non-Refundable curriculum fees of $50 for 3-Year-Old Classes, $100 for Pre-K
Classes and $150 For Kindergarten.
Classes and $150 For Kindergarten.
Non-Refundable activity fee of $40 for stay trips has been added to all students
with the exception of the 18–23-month-old class.
with the exception of the 18–23-month-old class.
A $5 convenience fee is automatically added to each submission.

shelley Pendley
Weekday Preschool and Kindergarten Director

2024-2025 Team
Christ Place Weekday is blessed to have so many Godly teachers on our staff. They are truly invested in living out our Mission Statement.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6